Student Placement Process

William Penn School District uses place of residence as the primary factor determining which building a child will attend.

Families can access information about their neighborhood school building using the button below. At times, it may be appropriate to place a student at a building other than their neighborhood school.




  • Use the interactive map to determine placement
  • Students currently placed differently may remain where they are.
  • Siblings of students placed differently should use interactive map to determine placement



Educational Placement

  • Students are sometimes placed in a building or educational needs rather than geography
  • Siblings of a student placed for educational needs may join their sibling (space permitting).



Building Enrollment Full

  • When a building has reached capacity. WPSD may place a student at a building other than their geographic assignment
  • Siblings of a student placed for building capacity needs may join their sibling (space permitting).



Extenuating Circumstances

  • At the approval of the Superintendent or designee, a student may be placed elsewhere for extenuating circumstances
  • Approval is done on a case-by-case basis



Virtual School

  • Any William Penn School District student may enroll in the district’s virtual school
  • Change of enrollment may only happen at the start of a new marking period
Vaccine Requirements

Students are required to meet the vaccination requirements before attending school.

Immunization Locations

Find a location to get your student(s) vaccinated.