
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will take place March 3 through March 31, 2025. Please stay tuned for additional information.

See the flyer here.

Kindergarten Registration Event

See the flyer here.



I am READY...for Kindergarten!
I am ready to READ!
  • I can recognize some letter names.
  • I can recognize letter sounds.
  • I can spell my name.
  • I can hold a book.


Gracie’s Corner
Jack Hartman

I am ready to do MATH!


  • I can say the numbers 1 to 10 like a counting champion.
  • I can touch each thing I count, making sure I don’t miss any.
  • I know how many things there are in all, even when they’re spread out.

Number Names & Recognition:

  • I can name all the numbers from 1 to 10.
  • I can recognize the written numbers 1 to 10 when I see them.
  • I can match the number symbols to the things I counted.


  • I can tell you how many things there are, no matter how big or small!
  • I know that the last number I count tells me how many there are in all!
  • Big groups or small groups, I can count them all!


I am ready to LISTEN!
  • I can follow directions with at least 2 steps.
  • I can sit down and listen to a story.


Stories to Grow By

I am ready to USE MY HANDS!
  • I can hold a pencil.
  • I can hold a crayon/marker correctly.
  • I can write letters/numbers.
  • I can hold and use scissors.
I am ready to PLAY & be a FRIEND!
  • I can share.
  • I can use my manners (please, thank you, excuse me, hello, and goodbye).
  • I can wait my turn.
  • I can communicate when I have a problem.
  • I can keep my hands to myself.
  • I can use kind words.


Kindness Matters stories
Friendship Stories

I am ready to be HEALTHY!
  • I keep my fingers out of my mouth and nose.
  • I wash and dry my hands by myself.
  • I blow and wipe my own nose.
I am ready to be more INDEPENDENT!
  • I can use the bathroom and wipe by myself.
  • I can wash my hands by myself.
  • I can practice tying my shoes.