School Safety and Emergency Management

Building Safety and Security

The William Penn School District is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. One of the ways we ensure safety is by conducting regular drills to prepare for different types of emergencies. These drills include:

Fire drills: These are conducted monthly to practice safe evacuation in case of a fire or smoke hazard. Students and staff must follow the instructions of the fire alarm and the teachers, and exit the building quickly and orderly through the designated routes.

Lock Down Drills: These are conducted periodically to practice locking down the classrooms and offices in case of an intruder or a threat inside the building. Students and staff must follow the instructions of the intercom and the teachers, and stay quiet and out of sight until the all-clear signal is given.

Security Drills: These are conducted occasionally to practice securing the perimeter of the building in case of an external threat or a suspicious activity. Students and staff must follow the instructions of the intercom and the teachers, and remain inside the building until the all-clear signal is given.

Shelter Place Drills: These are conducted as needed to practice sheltering in place in case of a severe weather event or a hazardous material spill. Students and staff must follow the instructions of the intercom and the teachers, and move to the designated areas within the building where they can be protected from potential harm.

Emergency Evacuation Drills: These are conducted as required to practice evacuating to an off-site location in case of a major emergency that makes the building unsafe or inaccessible. Students and staff must follow the instructions of the intercom and the teachers, and board the buses or walk to the designated site where they can be accounted for and assisted.

In addition to these drills, we also conduct Active Shooter Drills with the support of the local police departments of the six boroughs. These drills are designed to teach students and staff how to respond in case of an active shooter situation, following the ALICE protocol (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate). These drills are conducted with caution and sensitivity and are announced in advance to avoid confusion or panic.

We appreciate your cooperation and support in making our schools safe and secure for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns about our safety and security procedures, please contact your school principal or our district safety coordinator.


Youth Violence Prevention Program

Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program organized by the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. The program teaches young people and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially on social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” before it is too late.

Safe 2 Say Anonymous Reporting Line
Contact the Safe2Say Reporting Line at 1-844-SAF2SAY (723-2729).

The program also has a mobile app that is available for download here.

Memorandums of Understanding with WPSD Local Police Departments
Health & Safety Plan
Suspect abuse? Report it!

In case of an emergency dial 911 or call your local police.
Then contact the Child Abuse Hotline, ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.
This toll free number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with caseworkers waiting to assist you.

Mandated reporters: Report electronically below

Meet our Team

Darnell Deans
Chief of Operations
Business Department
Briana Heffernan
Operations Project Manager
Business Department