Dress Code Information for the 2024-2025 School Year

Lansdowne, PA – September 3, 2024

As per the Student Code of Conduct for the 2024-2025 school year, the dress code for WPSD students is as follows:

Elementary School Students Uniform Dress Code
1. Solid colored uniform or dress slacks, shorts, jumpers, dresses, or shirts of the appropriate size for the student.
2. Shorts, jumpers, dresses, skorts, and skirts must be at the knee or no more than one (1) inch (approximately)
above the knees.
3. No baggy or cargo-type pants will be permitted.
4. Solid colored or white shirt with collar, either short or long-sleeved.
5. In cold weather, a pullover, vest, cardigan sweater, or sweatshirt may also be worn.
6. Hats, caps, scarves, or hoods are prohibited inside the school building. It is important for the safety of everyone
that all students’ faces and heads are visible and identifiable. Please remove hoods when entering the school
7. Enclosed shoes, boots, or sneakers will be permitted. Socks must be worn. All laces must be tied.

Middle School Uniform Dress Code
1. Solid colored pants, skirt, jumper, skort, or shorts of the appropriate size for the student.
2. Shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses or bumpers must be at the knee or no more than one (1) inch (approximately)
above the knees.
3. Solid colored polo type, Oxford, or dress shirt, either short or long sleeved.
4. In cold weather, a pullover, vest, or cardigan sweater may also be worn.
5. Hats, caps, scarves, or hoods are prohibited inside the school building. It is important for the safety of everyone
that all students’ faces and heads are visible and identifiable. Please remove hoods when entering the school
6. Clothing with obscene, profane, or inflammatory language or graphics are prohibited. This includes words that
are considered to be “curse words” and words or images that would be considered offensive or discriminatory
against any person or group of people who identify with any ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or disability.
7. Enclosed shoes, boots, or sneakers will be permitted. Socks must be worn. All laces must be tied. No combat
boots, steel-toed work boots, sandals, flip-flops or slippers will be permitted.

High School Dress Code
1. Students are expected to wear appropriate dress for school. Parents/Guardians, teachers, and peers are
encouraged to advise students about what is and is not appropriate.
2. For health and safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times in school and on school property. Students are
permitted to wear hooded sweatshirts in the school building at any time, however, the hood must be lowered so
that the student’s head and face are visible.
3. All students are required to wear in plain view, on the upper torso, the unobstructed school-issued ID card.
Duplicate cards will be issued to repeat offenders at a cost of five dollars ($5.00) per card.[3]

To clarify our expectations, the list below contains inappropriate attire students will NOT be permitted to wear:
1. Visible underwear. Pants are to be worn at the natural waistline.
2. Outfits that expose the midriff, belly, or posterior.
3. Skirts, shorts, skorts, or dresses shorter than the outstretched arm’s longest finger. In all cases clothing of this nature must be at the knee or no more than one (1) inch (approximately) above the knees.
4. Short-shorts, or bike shorts that expose the posterior.
5. See-through Tights/leggings may not be worn.
6. Hats, caps, scarves, or hoods are prohibited inside the school building. It is important for the safety of everyone that all students’ faces and heads are visible and identifiable. Please remove hoods when entering the school building.
7. Clothing with obscene, profane, or inflammatory language or graphics. This includes words that are considered to be “curse words” and words or images that would be considered offensive or discriminatory against any person or group of people who identify with any ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or disability.
8. Flip-flops, slippers, spiked, or stiletto heels are prohibited. For physical safety, students’ feet must be covered at all times. If the shoes are open at the heel, they must be secured on the student’s feet with a strap if one is attached. If no strap is attached, the shoes are prohibited.
9. Outdoor coats (inside the building).
10. Specific dress requirements may be issued for certain programs such as physical education, laboratory sciences, and Career and Technical Education programs.