Penn Wood High School (Green Avenue Campus) Renovation and Addition Project
In alignment with the William Penn School District’s 10 year facilities master plan, the Penn Wood High School (Green Avenue Campus) will undergo a full renovation with an addition.

Goals of Project:
Of the many items that will be achieved from this project, the primary goals of the renovation and addition are:
- Bring the facility to ADA compliance
- Improve Security
- Improve indoor air quality through updated HVAC technologies
- Prepare for the arrival of 9th grade students
- Provide a facility to meet the educational needs of the 21st century
High Level Timeline:
April 2023 – September 2023: Preliminary Design
October 2023 – December 2024: Construction Documentation
January 2025 – February 2025: Project Bidding/Project Awarding
March 2025 – August 2027: Construction (Renovation and Addition)
Recent Events:
November 2024:
Dear Penn Wood High School (Green Avenue Campus) Community:
In March of 2022, the William Penn School District launched a ten-year plan in which identified schools would receive upgrades. The goal of this process is to, over time, reduce overcrowding, improve air quality, and bring all of our schools to ADA compliance. This ambitious plan began with the construction of the Rap Curry Athletic Complex – Kerr Field and has continued with the renovations of East Lansdowne Elementary School and Evans Elementary School as well as beginning
the design phase of Penn Wood High Schools Ninth Grade Academy (Cypress) and Green Avenue Campus.
As you are aware, the district is currently experiencing a budget gap of approximately nine million dollars over the span of two school years, 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. While there are plans to address this budget gap, difficult decisions must be made in order to ensure our service delivery to our students and stakeholders remain intact for the current school year.
Given this, the district has made the decision to pause all activity on the Penn Wood High School Green Avenue Campus addition and renovation project. It is the full intention of the district to maintain all work that has been completed to date and explore all potential revenue options to resume this project in a fiscally responsible manner. Please stay tuned for further information that will be delivered at a later- coordinated date.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership!
Past News:
Geothermal Testing
At our most recent property committee meeting on September 3, 2024, the district was excited to show our updated renderings of both our High School and Ninth Grade Academy Projects. Please follow the links below to see these exciting updates!
Penn Wood High School – Green Avenue Campus
Ninth Grade Academy
In preparation for the design of the stormwater system and foundation of the new building, we will be doing Geotechnical and Stormwater testing. The work being done is not part of the construction, but part of the necessary investigation for the design of planned improvements.
For the structural component of the testing, a portable drill rig will be used which has rubber tires. The borings will be 20’ to 25’ deep and a few inches in diameter. The holes will be restored with the material removed in the drilling and paved areas will be replaced with cold patch or concrete. This work will take approximately five days.
There will be a couple of holes excavated by a mini excavator and hand excavation to the bottom of the existing footer. Saw cutting of the existing concrete will be done. The excavation will be backfilled to the adjacent concrete sections.
The stormwater testing will be done by a backhoe or large mini excavator, the pits will be approximately 2 ‘ wide and approximately 8’ deep. The testing will happen over two days and the holes will be restored the same day they are dug, the material removed will be replaced and compacted with the bucket of the machine used to dig the hole.
The work is planned to be done during normal business hours.
Zoning Hearing
The William Penn School District participated in its initial zoning hearing with the Lansdowne Borough on April 18, 2024. Images of the proposed plan that were shared at the meeting can be found below.
To view the proposed Penn Wood High School (Green Avenue Campus) Site Plan, please click HERE
To view additional drawings of the proposed Penn Wood High School (Green Avenue Campus), please click HERE