Aldan Elementary School embraces the district approved curriculum aligned with Pennsylvania Common Core Standards.
Therefore, we implement Wonders Reading Program, EnVison Math Program, Twig Science (K-3), Elevate Science (4-6) and the social emotional learning program Second Step.
Wonders is designed to foster a love of reading in all children through the exploration of texts and development of their skill as readers, writers, speakers and active listeners.
Envision is the first math series that combines problem based learning with visual learning. Students learn more about math by solving rich, reality-based problems. They gain a deeper, clearer understanding of math concepts with visual models and scaffolds in every lesson.
Twig Science (k-3) Is an interactive and hands-on learning that plays an essential part in understanding science.
Elevate Science (4-6) is a phenomena-based science curriculum immersing students in the inquiry process. This is science elevated for problem solving, critical thinking, NGSS performance expectations.
Food Services
Find what’s being served for breakfast and lunch here.