Evans Elementary

Evans Elementary School implements the educational philosophy of the William Penn School District and strives to attain success in the Goals of Quality Education adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Tuesday, March 18
School Hours
8:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
900 Baily Rd
Yeadon, PA 19050
Get Directions

Underlying both of these is the belief in public education supported through staff, students, parents, and community.

Together we work to provide the best learning environment for students. The goal of quality education is achieved through the programs of the district and implemented by a staff committed to their students.

Two broad goals identified for the Evans Elementary School that help shape our direction are:

  1. To maintain high standards in the skill areas of Reading and Mathematics.
  2. To introduce students to the world of computers by developing computer literacy and enriching basic skill areas.

The Evans program integrates computer skills with the standards and the curricular areas. Software and computer-related activities will be used to reinforce the basic goals of our program. We believe that this method will continue to be productive and educationally sound.

Evans School is Proud to Report

  • Early Intervention Program
  • Annual Spring Policy
  • 2 Computer Labs
  • Year Book Club
  • Band and Chorus
  • Art Club
  • Breakfast program
  • Visiting Authors
  • Student Council
  • Spring Dance
  • Parent Programs
  • Internet accessible computers in all classrooms
  • Dedicated Home and School Association
  • After School Enrichment through (PEP)
  • One period a week computer instruction





Supply List

Here are the supplies your student(s) will need for the year.

Dress Code

Click email evnattend@wpsd.k12.pa.us to send absence notes, doctor’s notes, etc.


Find the menus for Breakfast and Lunch here.

Meet our Faculty & Staff

Catherine Smith
Evans Principal
Evans Elementary
Mary Kauffman
Library Assistant
Evans/Park Lane Elementary
Mary Klineburger
Instructional Assistant
Evans Elementary