Principal’s Message

WOW! It is hard to believe that 2024 is here! We all have accomplished so much in just a short amount of time here at PWHS this year. This fall, our students adjusted to the safety devices and changes to the bell schedule. Our sports teams had a wonderful, successful season with much growth and achievement. We had the Homecoming Dance, our first school dance post-Covid and was a great success! We now have several dances scheduled in the near future. The Staff vs Student Volleyball game was fun for everyone with both sides loving the competitive game. We are now in the middle of winter sports and excited to see how our teams perform this season.

The first quarter ended in early November. We had 443 students achieving honor roll! We celebrated these students at the honor roll breakfast and invited their parents/guardians to join. In addition, we had almost 400 parental visits during parent conferences before Thanksgiving break. Each of our class advisory committee members have launched campaigns to raise funds for class trips and dances.

In November, we began our “Help With” club after school, where students can come to get extra help from our staff for any of their classes. In addition, we have launched the new Opportunities for Student Advancement (OSA). In this program, students may recover credits, obtain advanced credits, or work to graduate early. We also launched our new Restorative Justice program that works with our students to provide interventions should they fall off track behaviorally and need additional support or avenues to correct choices that may lead them down the wrong path. Referrals are down significantly from last year. All these supports are leading towards our students making better choices to attend class, complete work, and be strong members of the William Penn community.


Stephen Chicano
Penn Wood High School – Green Avenue Campus
100 Green Ave.
Lansdowne, PA 19050

Stephen Chicano