Staff Directory

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Villia Abdul-Lateef
Social Studies Teacher
Penn Wood Ninth Grade Academy
Deirdre Abrahamsson
Communications and Marketing Supervisor
Department of the Superintendent
Beverly Addess
Department of Special Services
Mary Agnew
Executive Director
Blended Learning & Education Technology
Dr. Kathleen Agren
ASP Teacher
PWHS Green Avenue Campus
Danielle Al-Majidi
Teacher/Grade 4
Evans Elementary
Rachel Albert
Teacher/ Grade 3
East Lansdowne Elmentary
Ava Alexander
English Teacher
Personalized Learning Center
Monique Anderson
Instructional Assistant
East Lansdowne Elementary
Michelle Andrews
ES Teacher
Park Lane Elementary
Lyndell Andrews
EBS Staff
Penn Wood Middle School
Shawn Anthony
Teacher/Grade 6
Walnut Street Elementary
Wanda Ashby
LS Teacher
PWHS Green Avenue Campus
Alexandra Ashjian
Math Teacher
Penn Wood Middle School
Angela Askew-Robinson
Math Teacher
Penn Wood Middle School
Jennifer Austin
Secretary to the Director of Student Services
Department of Student Services
Steven Axberg
Science Teacher
Penn Wood Middle School
Shavana Baker
Teacher/Grade 5
Aldan Elementary
Krystal Baker
Secretary to the Principal
Park Lane Elementary
Oluwakemi Balogun-Victor
Building Substitute
Penn Wood Middle School