Board Meeting Information and Notices

Each month, the William Penn School District Board of Directors has two monthly meetings.

  • The Third Monday is the Committee Meeting of the Whole at 6:30 p.m.
  • The Fourth Monday is a Business Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • In the case of Monday being a legal holiday, the monthly meeting is moved to Tuesday.
  • All Board meetings are held in the Green Avenue Administration building at 100 Green Avenue, Lansdowne, PA, and via Zoom.



Committee Meeting of the Whole

(Third Monday, except July and August)

This meeting is more informal and generally more engaging with the public. During this meeting, the agenda is reviewed for the next week’s Business Meeting. If you are new to attending Board meetings, this is a great place to start.



Business Meeting

(Fourth Monday)

The Business Meeting begins at 6:30 pm. This is a voting meeting, and there is also opportunity for public comment on agenda and non-agenda items.



Additional Information

  • All community members are welcome to attend all meetings.
  • Community members unable to attend can email their comment(s) to Ms. Kyairra Mathies, Assistant Board Secretary, at
  • The complete board agenda, including attachments, is available on BoardDocs 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. This agenda is prone to changes in between weeks, and all efforts will be made to keep BoardDocs up to date.
  • The Business Meeting is recorded and can be viewed here. The video will be available to view on the WPSD YouTube channel within 48 hours of the meeting.