Ardmore Avenue Elementary

Ardmore Avenue Elementary School is a diverse student-centered and supportive learning community that will prepare and inspire life-long learners.

Wednesday, March 26
School Hours
8:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
161 Ardmore Ave
Lansdowne, PA 19050
Get Directions

Ardmore students will engage in our knowledge-based world, exploring multiple pathways to create, communicate and problem-solve as respectful world citizens.

Ardmore Avenue Elementary School is a richly diverse school located in Lansdowne, PA. It is one of the 8 elementary schools within the William Penn School District.  Ardmore offers a comprehensive, challenging and engaging student and learning centered environment.  Our district’s vision is to nurture and empower all students to become career and/or college ready.

Students are the nucleus of our culture at Ardmore. We are here to serve our school community and to provide opportunity, access and high quality learning experiences for ALL learners. All staff and students work hard to S.O.A.R. each and every day.

What does it mean to S.O.A.R. at Ardmore?

S. Show Respect
O. Be Outstanding Citizens
A. Accept Responsibility
R. Rise to the Occasion


Ardmore Avenue Elementary School implements the Positive Behavior Support Program (PBS) that supports a positive school climate where students are taught how to make good choices through common behavioral expectations. There are four behavior expectations at Ardmore Avenue. They are:

Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Cooperative
Be Safe

Teachers teach and model for students what these behavioral expectations look like in all facets of the student’s day. Additionally, Ardmore Avenue is extremely proud of its very active and supportive Home and School Association.

Vision Statement

We encourage and expect our students to:

  • Come to school on time every day ready to learn and work hard. Students prepared for learning are on time and ready to learn and do their best.
  • Bring necessary materials
  • Complete in school assignments
  • Learn and perform to the best of their ability
  • Know and follow all class and school wide expectations
  • Be responsible for their actions
  • Respect all members of the Ardmore Avenue Community

We encourage our families to:

  • Support all school policies
  • Participate as appropriate in decisions related to your child’s education
  • Have and express a positive attitude towards school.
  • Praise your child every day for something he or she has done.
  • Have a special place to display your child’s work when it is brought home from school.
  • Participate in school activities, especially Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher conferences.
  • Keep the lines of communication open with your child’s teacher. Please feel free to inform the teacher or other staff members of any family situations that could affect your child’s behavior or performance in school.
Supply List

Here are the supplies your student(s) will need for the year.

Dress Code

Click email to send absence notes, doctor’s notes, etc.


Family Handbook

Click below to read the Family Handbook.


Find the menus for Breakfast and Lunch here.

Meet our Faculty & Staff

Anna Smith
Admore Avenue Principal
Ardmore Avenue Elementary
Nicole Dinkins
Assistant Principal
Ardmore Avenue Elementary
Maureen Flynn
Secretary to the Principal
Ardmore Avenue Elementary
April Jamieson
Building Secretary
Ardmore Avenue Elementary